Posted by: Jo | September 7, 2018

Opening The Door

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with me”

(Revelation 3: 20)

OpenTheDoor01One of the churches I attended many years ago had a beautiful stained, glass window which I loved looking at, while seated in church. It was a depiction of Jesus, holding a lantern in his hand and knocking at a door. It was only just recently, while reading a study on the verse in Revelation 3: 20, that I discovered the history of this much, admired window.  It was originally a painting by an English artist, William Holman Hunt and hangs in the Keble College Chapel in Oxford, England and is entitled, The Light Of The World, converting it to a magnificent stained glass window, has brought joy to countless viewers in churches scattered across the world.

The remarkable thing to discover while studying this beautiful depicture of the Saviour, standing outside the door, is that on Jesus’ side there is no handle.  The door must be opened by the person on the other side who hears that beautiful voice and is willing to allow Jesus to enter and share his/her life.

Hearing that voice is sometimes difficult over the clamour of the world’s voices that can block his tender loving words of invitation, asking us to let him come in and be with us. Our lives can become so frantic that we can forget we need to hear his voice through his word, and our relationship begins to falter, and we neglect to open our side of the doorOpenTheDoor02 and miss out on his loving fellowship. When Paul was telling others the good news in Antioch, the city realised they needed to hear the word of God, so they too could have the same wonderful relationship they could see Paul had with his Saviour.

“On the next Sabbath almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord.” (Acts 13: 44)

The beautiful painting of Jesus standing at the door and knocking is called, The Light Of The World, and we are encouraged by the Psalmists to remember that through God’s word we can be guided by that all illuminating light:

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119: 105)

Being immersed daily in his word is a wonderful way of keeping that door constantly open and allowing that light to shine through our lives.

Having that desire for that close relationship needs to come from our hearts. It cannot be a superficial casual one, that has no meaning. We sing a beautiful song in our church that I love and always reminds me to keep that door open

Open the eyes of my heart, Lord

Open the eyes of my heart, Lord

I want to see you

I want to see you.



  1. Thank you Jo for this as always inspirational blog. You and family in my thoughts and prayers.


  2. Your quoting Psalm 119 and looking again at the beautiful stained glass window brought home to me that what Jesus is offering is a humble light to guide our feet on his path – not a glaring torch. His knocking on the door also seems to be a gentle one. With your thoughful reflection you remind us to be quiet and listen for him. Thank you Jo. You and your family are being remembered in our prayers.


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