Posted by: Jo | October 5, 2012

Here Am I, Send Me

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8)

imageWe are studying the book of Isaiah in our Home Group and when we came to Chapter 6 one of the opening questions was this;

Have you ever been asked to volunteer for something you thought was way beyond your capabilities? Did you accept?

The answers were varied and fascinating and all of us could sympathize with Isaiah, when confronted with the full magnificent and awe inspiring glory of God cried out in terror, “Woe to me” (Isaiah 6:5) Some of us felt like crying out the same words even if it was a request to read the scripture passage in front of the church on Sunday. One lady shared with us that when she was asked to join a team who visited ladies in the Women’s Prison in her area; she was very nervous and felt totally inadequate to fulfill that role. She could sympathize with Isaiah.  Another was asked to give a report to the congregation on a mission dear to her heart and even though she was passionate about this outreach the thought of speaking in public filled her with panic. She could sympathize with Isaiah.

The answers to the second part of the question were the most surprising. Everybody who answered, “Yes”, in acceptance had first prayed! They had pleaded with the Lord that if this was what he wanted them to do they would need him to supply the courage and the strength to carry out his work. He did. Those who were most nervous found they loved doing what they thought they would never be able to do. Their faith was deepened. Their confidence in the Lord soared. They realized that when we are sure it is the Lord we hear calling, we can step out with boldness and he will do the rest. In fact God constantly had to ensure that even the great prophet, Isaiah, knew who was accomplishing these feats.

“..The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.” (Isaiah 9:7)

imageEqually fascinating is the reading of the others called by God to be his spokesperson. Moses had no confidence in himself and kept reminding God that he was not eloquent and that he was slow of speech and tongue and eventually cries out

“But Moses said, “O Lord, please send someone else to do it” (Exodus 4:13)

(Perhaps we have been guilty of the same outburst)
We know that Moses eventually was able to be a wonderful leader for God Almighty, but it encourages our faint hearts to know that even great men can hesitate and worry about their abilities.

Jeremiah was another reluctant one when he heard God’s call. Jeremiah thought he was far too young to be any use to the Lord.

“Ah. Sovereign Lord, I said, “I do not know how to speak; I am only a child.” (Jeremiah 1:6)

imageWe know that Jeremiah became a faithful prophet speaking God’s word in a hostile environment, never losing faith despite horrendous opposition. Take heart from Jeremiah all of you who may think your youth will hold you back from serving the Lord.

Another excuse many of us use is old age. Surely the Lord doesn’t think we are of any use. Think again. These words spur on even those of us who are old.

“They will bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green,…” (Psalm 92:14)

Some may be saying, “But how do we know when the Lord is calling us?”

Joyce Meyer has written a wonderful book on just this subject, How To Hear From God, and ensures us The Lord longs to speak to us, we need to learn to listen to his voice. A book well worth reading.

One of our Home Group members did some research and he found the words of a beautiful modern hymn written in response to the call of Isaiah, a beautiful song we can sing back to our Lord God Almighty.

I who made the stars and night
I will make the darkness light
Who will bear my light to them?
Whom shall I send?
Here I am Lord
Is it I Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night
I will go Lord
If you lead me
I will hold your people in my heart. 

Are we ready to reply, “Here am I, Send me!”


  1. Thanks again Jo. We sing that hymn too. It is one of my favourites.
    Love and God bless, Mary.


  2. Thanks, Jo, for these thoughts. We’re studying Isaiah in our Sunday morning Bible Study and it is challenging.
    “Here am I” can be difficult to say – it requires trust in God’s call and His strength to step forward in an unknown situation.
    That is a wonderful song – we sing it at our Church. It’s special to me because the choir sung it the night that I and several others were ordained as Deacons.


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