Posted by: Jo | October 31, 2014

Feeling Special

“Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered…”
(Luke 12:7)

As a believer you have God's DNA in your spirit Just recently I was having coffee with a friend and we were talking about hair, mainly because one of my granddaughters, after quite a long training period, was at last qualified to cut hair and had started to work in a downtown hairdressing salon. I was sharing with my friend that my granddaughter’s mother and father were going the next day for both of them to have their hair cut and my friend was impressed with this lovely show of confidence in their daughter’s ability. She then confided in me that one of the verses in the Bible that had always challenged her, was Jesus telling his disciples that the Heavenly Father knew exactly how many hairs we all had (Luke 12:7) but much to her surprise, while reading a detective novel in which the culprit was identified by a single strand of hair, she suddenly grasped what Jesus was saying. Each one of us is unique. No two strands of hair are the same. We are all made in God’s image, but each one of us is special and can never be confused with another because God has designed us to be recognised by him, right down to the number of hairs on our heads.

Long before clever detectives could use DNA testing on a single strand of hair, David knew how lovingly and uniquely he had been made by the Heavenly Creator;

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” (Psalm 139:13 – 14)

Every one of us needs to know that in some way we are special, but unfortunately in today’s world with our culture of over admiring, the beautiful, the talented, the athletic and the rich, many of us feel we fade into oblivion, that no one is really noticing us at all. When I was a young teacher, an older and much wiser teacher told me the secret to teaching was to make each pupil feel special and the way her students blossomed proved the wisdom behind her words.

The Lord has plans for you

Our Heavenly Father wants to do exactly that for us, to let us know that each one of us is very special to him, and when we can somehow absorb this incredible truth, we too can blossom into just the right person he designed us to be, comfortable with who we are, not constantly trying to resemble all those around us, but to accept joyfully who we are knowing, that in his eyes we are so special he even knows the number of hairs on our head. Being able to grasp that, liberates us from all the futile striving to be someone else and perhaps it helps to sing this sweet little Kindergarten song to ourselves every morning before we start the day.

I am special

I am special don’t you see?

Don’t you see someone very special?

Someone very special

Because God made me, God made me.


  1. Coming from a family of eleven it was sometimes difficult to know the truth of God knowing how much hair l had! Or how to pronounce my name!! I need to remember that God has made me uniquely and knows how to pronounce my name!


  2. Beautiful, Jo. thank you again, as always


  3. And didn’t Jesus say that not a sparrow falls from the air without His father noticing it? I love this thought. If he cares for each of those tiny sparrows enough to notice when they fall, He surely must care a lot for each one of us. We are at least as important to Him as a sparrow I imagine !
    Thank you Jo for setting us off once again on a joyful beginning to our week.


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