Posted by: Jo | June 8, 2018

The Breath Of Life

“The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being”

(Genesis 2: 7)

JustBreathe01Allergy season is upon us here in North America and those who suffer from allergies are at the mercy of the pollens swirling around them. The results are sneezing, eyes watering and for some, difficulty in breathing. I was watching a television ad for tablets that promised to rid the sufferers of all their terrible symptoms and one vowed that this particular one would relieve those with breathing problems and give them “good breath”. I thought the phrase was incorrect grammar, but it made me think what good breath was. The following Sunday, we sang a beautiful song with ended with these beautiful words for the repeated chorus;

His breath in our lungs

Then I realised I knew what good breath was!

In the book of John, we understand how we can receive this good breath

“Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”” (John 20: 21 – 22)

The other beautiful sentence came in the same song we were singing, and as I sang with the rest of the congregation I started to grasp the incredible privilege Jesus bestowed on his disciples and all of us who choose to follow him by breathing on us. Here are the other powerful words;

It’s now your love I am breathing

JustBreathe02Breathing love! What a gift to be able to use our very breath to spread love to others. We need breath to speak, so when we are breathing the Lord’s love our words will be filled with love not anger, bitterness or hatred but with understanding, love and sympathy.

Breath ensures life.  If we are aware of breathing God’s love our lives will become meaningful. We will be living the way he designed us to live. Lives pleasing to him.

When I was young we sang an old hymn written in 1878 and I was reminded of this hymn while singing the modern version of the same theme.  I found an old dog- eared hymn book from my youth, found the hymn and the words were just as beautiful as I remembered. Here they are;

Breathe on me, Breath of God

Fill me with life anew

That I may love what thou dost love

And do what thou wouldst do

Breathe on me, Breath of God

Until my heart is pure

Until my will is one with thine.

To do and to endure

Breathe on me Breath of God

Till I am wholly thine

Until this earthly part of me

Glows with fire divine

Breathe on me, Breath of God

So shall I never die

But live with thee the perfect life

Of thine eternity.



  1. Finally get to the “post”, Jo. I loved this week’s postings. I think I will print it out as a mantra to have on hand.


  2. Thank you. Jo. I really appreciate your comments


  3. Thank you Jo for reminding us of that lovely old hymn we all shared – and still sometimes sing today. You bring us all closer together by your writing.


  4. Thank you. Mary


  5. Lovely Jo, especially the old hymn.


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