Posted by: Jo | July 8, 2016

Show Me Your Glory

“Then Moses said, “Now show me your glory.””

(Exodus 33: 18)

image This last Sunday a special and an especially beautiful event had been planned for our church family and as we reside in Vancouver with its magnificent water ways, the venue that was chosen for an outdoor public baptism, was a beach, with views of the mighty ocean, stretching for miles. This event had a special significance for our personal family as one of our sons-in-law was to be baptised and we were very proud of him to be so willing to declare his love for Jesus Christ.

During the church service on that morning, we sang a challenging song entitled “Show me your Glory.” The phrase kept echoing through my head and I felt it was a message for the event about to take place. The day was beautiful. The sky a brilliant blue. The mountain backdrop behind us like mighty spectators about to watch the ceremony. The wind whipped the water into dancing white caps. The huge rocks on the edge of the water reminding us of the solid Rock we can cling to. The scene seemed to be set to declare the Glory of the Lord and I felt that nature was doing exactly that, proclaiming to all of us the awesomeness of our Heavenly Creator.

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” (Psalm 19: 1)

The song we sang in the morning was entreating all of us to be brave enough to ask our Heavenly Father to show us his glory and not be frightened. I have always thought it was very brave and a bit audacious of Moses to ask God that question, but the lyrics of our song remind us that perfect love casts out all fear;

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out all fear, because fear has to do with punishment…” (1 John 4: 18)

image By asking God to show us his glory, we are entering a much deeper and intimate relationship with him. We are asking for eyes to see his incredible power. We are making ourselves more vulnerable by doing so, for as soon as we are aware of his power we realise the responsibility we have, just like the Psalm says, to declare that glory and to proclaim the work of his hands to those around us.

When Mary was given a glimpse of his glory she sang a beautiful acknowledgement that has remained for all generations to come and a wonderful example for us to follow.

“My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.” (Luke 1: 46 – 47)


  1. Oh hello. I didn’t realize at this post was from this year. I appreciate you writing about this because I was singing a song “show me your glory” by Jason Nelson I believe and I was asking God was it OK to ask Him to show us His glory but I see it is. May I be responsible like you encouraged when He shows his glory. God bless you

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  2. […] Show Me Your Glory […]


  3. What joyful thoughts you have given us to treasure this week, Jo! We will all be singing a glory song.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Yes Jo, all we have to do is look and listen and His glory is all around us. Thanks for reminding us to do so.

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